Below is an actual #SEO Audit I did on to illustrate important points on easily improving a well designed website structure.
I have known dB Broadcast for attending many broadcast exhibitions, based in UK the company provides system integrations as well as a line of customized products for their global clients. It is with great interest I have looked at the company’s website, as I have done myself system integration for years.
As the website was updated in 2017, it is active in terms of regular new posts, I did find very important issues to highlight.
The site being created with WordPress and Oshin template it needs to be better protected as ‘content’ and ‘includes’ internal wordpress index files are not locked from public view.
At this time, in terms of navigation, the search function in the header does not seem to be functioning. As well the mobile menu was not active in various mobile browsers I have tested. Although the domain does contain 240 internal pages indexed in Google, it seems the Yoast SEO plugin may have been used in the past, but I couldn’t find at this time any optimization plugin in the source code, specific meta description nor google analytics tags.
As in the past to avoid spam, email addresses contained ‘(at)’ and not @, it is nowadays just best to use a generic address throughout the site and use a good email spam filter. I would suggest to have the footer phone and email clickable, with similar email contained in the privacy policy page “”. Alike for Privacy Policy, the Terms & Conditions content could be a simple page and not necessarily a pdf link.
The existing ‘directors’ internal page maybe currently being updated but at this time it does not have an accessible link to a ‘team’ page from the homepage.
Lastly, it seems the single post template configuration to display articles for news has issues and need attention in terms of graphic layout and an error message “There has been a critical error on this website.” seen at the bottom of all posts.
Google’s Lighthouse mobile testing results:
47/100 Performance -74/100 Accessibility – 77/100 Best Practices – 79/100 SEO
GTMetrix desktop testing results:
Largest Contentful Paint 2.6s – Total Blocking Time 0ms – Cumulative Layout Shift 0.01
Points for improvement:
There is a total page size of a whopping 29.1MB. There is about 5 images to be optimized.. with a 1.64Mb hero image which could be optimized as it is used as foreground for the hero video to be displayed. It may be useless, hence by the time it loads 1.64mb the video is already playing. The company’s years of experience should be reflected in Google My Business Reviews which it seems counts only 7 reviews. To improve retention for better indexing projects should be detailed as well as products description and specifications added as text in addition to downloadable pdfs.
Contact me for any questions on website design good practices and helping you improving your website.
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